APG Vision
Since 1990, APG Vision has been the premier provider of industrial enclosures to protect cameras, lights, and sensitive technical machinery in highly corrosive, explosion-proof, washdown, and food processing FDA-compliant environments. We light the way to provide camera enclosures for cameras and equipment.
APG vision more than 5000 NEMA enclosures available supporting brands you use like Advanced Illumination and Cognex.
We can take a set of requirements for an environmentally protected enclosure for cameras, lenses, lighting, and ancillary equipment and design and produce that enclosure in quantities from one unit to hundreds. We do this quickly and cost-effectively.
Machine Vision Enclosures

APG products adhere to strict regulatory standards of compliance, including NEMA and IP standards working both in sheet metal and in machined metals and plastics.


Virtually All standard APG Enclosures ship from Machine Vision Direct in 5 Business Days or Less.
APG Vision manufactures enclosures for use in industrial automation applications. These enclosures are used in welding, machining, blasting, extreme temperature environments, and more. APG Vision enclosures are also being used to protect cameras and sensors on autonomous vehicles. With the high requirements of governing bodies like the DOT and FDA, you know these enclosures are built for excelence.
Protect Expensive Components
Machine Vision Direct offers far beyond what our standard offering is on MachineVisionDirect.com. Many customers need customization beyond what can be configured on our website. Contact us at Support@MachineVisionDirect.com or (800) 834-5588 to talk to our sales or engineering staff, who can assist with designing semi-custom and custom solutions for your needs.

Fully Custom Solutions
Whether you need modifications for standard enclosures or novel designs to fit entirely new enclosures, Machine Vision Direct is available to answer your technical questions. MVD will work with APG to use standard enclosures and accessories and then modify viewports, camera arms, and mounting plates to create any style of enclosure.

Semi-Custom Solutions
Need a simple alteration to an APG product? Machine Vision Direct can help. Easy adjustments such as plating and anodization can be applied to encolosures while still retain qualities necessary for the protection of your cameras, lighting, and high tech hardware.
APG Vision | Enclosures for
Industrial Automation
APG products are used by large corporations such as Honda, General Electric, BIC, and KRAFT. Sensitive and expensive machine vision components can be placed into harsh manufacturing conditions or food-safe environments with APG enclosures and remove all concern.